曲目 布烈頓:戰爭安魂曲 母帶重製版 2CD+1BD Benjamin Britten: WAR REQUIEM Re-mastered Anniversary Editio 演出者 布烈頓,指揮 Benjamin Britten 本集精介 布烈頓在1962年完成了戰爭安魂曲,全作為男高音、女高音、男中音三位獨唱家與合唱團、兩個管弦樂團和管風琴所寫,這是為了重新興建的柯芬垂教堂落成儀式所寫。原先擁有五百年歷史、從中世紀就一直存在的柯芬垂教堂在二次大戰中毀於德軍轟炸,一向反戰的布烈頓,因此特別寫下這首戰爭安魂曲,獻給四位布烈頓與其密友皮爾斯共同認識的好友,這四人中有兩位死於二戰,一位雖然在諾曼地登陸逃過一劫,卻在結婚前夕自殺身亡。 此曲的首演獨唱家原本是本片的這三位獨唱家,可是到了首演前,俄國女高音薇許涅芙絲卡雅與她的先生 - 大提琴家羅斯托波維奇,在俄國因為支持人權人士索忍尼辛而不見容於俄國當局。薇許涅芙絲卡雅一度因此無法拿到許可,差點無法出國。雖然最後終於趕到倫敦,但離演出實在太近,只好臨時請了另一位女高音代替上場。但隔年她還是再度來到倫敦參與由布烈頓親自指揮的這份錄音。當時還發生了一個小插曲:為了錄音效果考量,製作人請薇許涅芙絲卡雅站在合唱團那邊,這讓她非常不高興,因為覺得自己應該與另兩位獨唱家站在一起。 這份錄音在當年發行時就十分轟動,賣出二十萬張的驚人紀錄,這種現代風格的古典音樂從沒有過這麼好的銷售紀錄。而為了紀念布烈頓百年誕辰的這套發行,還特別加收了一份最能夠完整保留原始母帶音質的藍光錄音,並收錄當年錄音時的彩排片段。
日本音樂之友社究極100 10R(10 de Repertoire) 法國十大名盤獎 Classic CD 100 英國古典音樂雜誌百大唱片 Penguin Guide英國企鵝唱片評鑑三星帶花 Tracklisting CD1 Requiem aeternam [1] Requiem aeternam 5.54 [2] What passing bells for those who die as cattle? 3.39
Dies Irae [3] Dies irae 3.38 [4] Bugles sang, saddening the evening air 2.34 [5] Liber scriptus proferetur 2.56 [6] Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to death 1.57 [7] Recordare Jesu pie 4.49 [8] Be slowly lifted up 1.51 [9] Dies irae 1.13 [10] Lacrimosa dies illa 1.54 [11] Move him into the sun 4.50
Offertorium [12] Domine Jesu Christe 3.32 [13] So Abraham rose, and clave the wood 6.10
Sanctus [14] Sanctus 6.01 [15] After the last of lightning from the east 3.49
Agnus Dei [16] One ever hangs where shelled roads part 3.39
Libera me [17] Libera me, Domine 7.36 [18] It seemed that out of battle I escaped 9.35 [19] Let us sleep now... In Paradisum 5.37 CD2 REHEARSAL [1] Requiem aeternam 7.18 [2] Dies irae 9.46 [3] Dies irae 2.03 [4] Dies irae 4.37 [5] Offertorium 8.22 [6] Sanctus 6.15 [7] Sanctus 0.17 [8] Agnus Dei 1.05 [9] Libera me 1.11 [10] Libera me 5.20 [11] Libera me 3.16 BD1 Requiem aeternam [1] Requiem aeternam 5.54 [2] What passing bells for those who die as cattle? 3.39
Dies Irae [3] Dies irae 3.38 [4] Bugles sang, saddening the evening air 2.34 [5] Liber scriptus proferetur 2.56 [6] Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to death 1.57 [7] Recordare Jesu pie 4.49 [8] Be slowly lifted up 1.51 [9] Dies irae 1.13 [10] Lacrimosa dies illa 1.54 [11] Move him into the sun 4.50
Offertorium [12] Domine Jesu Christe 3.32 [13] So Abraham rose, and clave the wood 6.10
Sanctus [14] Sanctus 6.01 [15] After the last of lightning from the east 3.49
Agnus Dei [16] One ever hangs where shelled roads part 3.39
Libera me [17] Libera me, Domine 7.36 [18] It seemed that out of battle I escaped 9.35 [19] Let us sleep now... In Paradisum 5.37